Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mar. 19 Bolsa Chica, Seal Beach Wildlife Refuge, Huntington Beach Central Park

Glad I ventured! Wanted to see shorbirds again, and saw plenty.

Why one needs to go to tour,

1)you can access the birding hot spots
2)Scopes(if they have them)
3)learn about birds from the veterans

First met at the end of Garfield. Afforded a nice partial view of BC, but you really need a scope here.
Spotted a Peregrin Falcon eating a breakfast!!  A first by me, of course the scope helped.  Also Sparrow(Song?), Cinnamon Teal, Avocet(I'm not sure I spotted one, the leader said), Eared Grebe..

Thought Birders could be excellent spies, what with their tools and observation skills lol.  Wonder they were actually thus recruited during those World War years!

Next, drove to Harriett Wieder Park right near, at the parking lots spotted Lesser Goldfinch,
 and further to the playground, saw through the fence and spotted; Redhead, Shoveler, Great Egret, Western Sandpiper, Semi Palmated Plover(my 1st probably). Then later also at the Parking lot, saw a Western Kingbird. Really nice, for a small Park!

BC proper;

Song Sparrow at the parking lot,
and the highlight of the day, that elusive Clapper Rail! The leader said they use a more recent name but couldn't hear well lol. Also Willet & Marbled Godwit, Surf Scoters!(my 1st? or 2nd? sighting), lesser Scaup! Read-throated Loon! Brandt(the leader say, dunno if I spotted one), pied billed Grebe, Horned Grebe(nice day for Grebes, spotted 3 kinds)..

Then drove to Brightwater. The leader said Loggerhead Shrike was spotted, but not today.
Was hoping for a Sage Thrasher, but no.
Did spot Lesser Goldfinch, Kingfisher!, Wigeons, Wood ducks(that's Mandarin, but really? Did I hear right).
That was it for the tour.

After having lunch at Hawaiian BBQ, headed to

Seal Beach Wildlife Refuge

Just visited the end of Edinger Ave one, and glad I did. Spotted a Common Loon methink, and Long Billed Curlew! 

Huntington Beach Central Park

Eh, can't say I spotted any bird lol. Shipley Nature Center closed at 1pm, and I arrived then.

After visiting and marveling at the Library, tried to visit El Dorado Park(Nature Center), but found out that they charge $5 vehicle fee, and after eating lunch at Hawaiian BBQ(I always sample local cuisine! So, ramen/sushi at Torrance/Palos Verdes, and at HB, Hawaiian! lol), I didn't have any cash left lol, so just came back home.

So SB proper, and HB pier and Coldwater Lane Warbler Trap will have towait, until next time.

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