Sunday, December 4, 2016

How to tie Darren Dowell's record

2/3 today, only missed (yet again) Black and white Warbler at Madrona(driving me crazy!).

Spotted Yellow throated Warbler at Earving Magic Johnson Park, with the help of other veteran birders,

and later found Varied Thrush at Sand Dune Park(finally).

Now 330 species in LA county this year(350 for life. Total irrespective of region, 377).

Once again, last year's Wrentit record(counts only LA county);

Mickey Long 313
Jon Feenstra 313
Darren Dowell 334
Nancy Strang 340
Susan Gilliland 347
Frank Gillilland 351
Amy Williamson 359
Dessi Sieburth 362
Janet Scheel 363
Mark Scheel 371
I suspect Mark Scheel will break a new record this year. This year has been very good(the Scheels were there at EMJP today, also David Hurst, etc..).

Anyway, it's crazy, isn't it. Moi, a 2nd-year birder, aiming to tie 'the Master' DD's record last year!

Theoretically possible

Black and White Warbler at Madrona
Mountain Bluebird at Hansen Dam(Kimball Garrett reported it yesterday and today morning), and also Lancaster area. David Bell found it at Vina Vieja recently, but just that once, too bad.
Red naped Sapsucker at Farnsworth Park reported by Jon Feenstra, also at Legg Lake but I just can't find it there, along with Black and white Warbler.
Dusky-capped Flycatcher at La Mirada Park.

Pine warbler should've made an appearance at Peck Pit, wonder why it hasn't surfaced.

Too bad missed Lark Bunting and Cave Swallow at Santa Fe Dam..

Despite the catastrophe of changing the catalytic converter, doggedly carrying on..