Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Gloucester pics

Jodrey Fish State Pier, only could bird this hotspot

Other birders apparently saw Thick billed Murre and Black Guillemot, but didn't tell me. Got the drake King Eider, the sole prize lol. For Harlequin Ducks you gotta go to Rockport. So missed Great Cormorant, Razorbill, Purple Sandpiper, etc..

Boston Day 3 pics

Hall's Pond

Chestnut Hill Reservoir

Olmsted Park

Victory Garden

Boston Day 2 pics

 At low tide Five Sisters(rocks) at Winthrop Beach are connected, so you can venture I guess

Snow Bunting

 Thomas Menino Park next to Winthrop Beach

Belle Isle again

Charleston Harbor

Boston Day 1 pics

 That's the Owl next to the Heron

Winthrop Beach

Deer Island

Fenway Victory Garden

On Boston Birding

It's been almost 2 weeks. Some tips;

Bring a scope if you can. Useful for identifying ducks further ashore.

Bus deal is even better than Chicago. $22.50 per week, and that includes Charleston Ferry. Not sure it covers non-local bus though(for example to Rumney Marsh). Service is very good, and local buses even stops seemingly anywhere lol(even without signposts!).

If you wanna bird Rockport/Gloucester/Newburyport, bird on weekends; For $10, unlimited train travel for Sat. and Sun.

North Train station alerts are not convenient. They don't announce the tracks until the last minute, so beware; I missed the earliest one thanks to that.

Unlike LRGV, all parks are free.

Winthrop Beach/Deer Island is a must. DI is just a short ride from WB, hell I even once walked from WB to DI. If you're lucky you can spot Snow Bunting at WB. I recommend walking the whole outer trail of DI, it's worth it. Iceland Gull is reported at South End.  I think I spotted a Solitare near the parking lot, not sure though.

Belle Isle Marsh is good for American Tree Sparrow. Not much to see this month, but 4 Short-eared Owls are spotted at the main marsh; go at rising tide, it'll flush to the tall reeds.

Hall's Pond is another good spot; especially good for Woodcock, that kind of terrain. Too bad I birded during a downpour lol.

Boston proper, not really good for alcids and such. For those you have to go further, usually north I guess, as I said to Rockport area.

Tons of Song Sparrow and American Robin, those were the most common passerines.

Not as cold as Chicago but still cold in March. And of course, rain, as expected in the East.

Dunno why but restaurants open LATE, even Subway.

Monday, March 2, 2020

LRGV Day 4 pics

Santa Ana was great, but no target species like Hook-billed Kite and Gray Hawk; truly a disaster! Should've stayed there, stationary at the hawk watch tower, but foolishly decided to bird Laguna Atascosa and try again to find that Aplomado Falcon spot; big mistake!

White tailed Hawk on the way to Laguna Atascosa, horrible weather, raining and wind; Santa Ana was mild compared to this lol

Bayside Dr was closed to car, so absolute crap birding there. Did spot an Ocelot crossing the street, but just a brief view. So all in all wasted like half a day or more wandering around LRGV, lost, etc.

 Laguna Atascosa Osprey Overlook! Epic fail

Failed to bird another spot for Audubon's Oriole, fitting end to a terrible birding.
And Frontier flight got canceled due to mechanical problem lol.
But thanks to it used a coupon, coupled with 75% sale, birding Philly late April(by bus)