Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bolivar Peninsular & High Island- Day 1 pics

Belatedly copying from my tennis blog lol

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Bolivar Peninsular & High Island- Day 1 pics

Did I say that it was cold?  I was worried about Houston's famous 90/90(temperature and humidity). In fact it was so bitterly cold lol, I was reminded of OKC/Norman last year. Decidedly less humid than Nashville let alone Rome, Georgia lol. Because it was so cold!

 On Galveston ferry on the way to Bolivar. Laughing Gull is my target species at Salton Sea; haven't seen one yet. But this is a default gull at Galveston!
 On the way to Bolivar!
 Bolivar- Rollover Pass. Sea Turtles!  Haven't seen one though
 Adult and immature Laughing Gulls
 Neotropic(smaller, white gape) and Double-crested Cormorant. Lots of Neotropic there, which is rare in So. Cal

 From here Yacht Basin road, just a bit west of Rollover Pass. Osprey caught a fish!
 This raptor was even further than the Osprey; sure didn't look like an Osprey, so took pics. I was in despair that I couldn't spot Crested Caracara, mostly found in Mexico(and the southern tip of Texas, which is another birding haven; Rio Grande area).
And you know what, ebird regional reviewer Mike Austin told me that this is indeed a Caracara! Long legs and neck, also the coloring of the back is different from Osprey; should've known!  Too bad couldn't watch it nearer

 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher! Abundant at Oklahoma(state bird methinks), but wasn't too hard to find here, too. Already saw it twice at Los Angeles(Cemetary near Century City!) and upper San Diego near San Elijo Lagoon though; can't beat So. Cal!

 White-winged Dove! Here mostly found in the desert(Lancaster, also south of Salton Sea, Brawley area), so was surprised to find it there
 Close-up of the Scissor-tailed!

 High Island-Boy Scout Woods! So famous for migrant warblers and other passerines. Unsatisfactory though. In fact, had much better birding at smaller Hooks Woods
Indigo Bunting and Orchard Oriole at Purkey's Pond, Boy Scout Woods. Seen those before, but still a welcome find. High Island was literally dripping from these birds.
Northern Waterthrush! Also saw Louisiana Waterthrush next day or something, at Purkey's Pond
Male Summer Tanager! Haven't seen a male so was delighted. Hooks Woods
Did I tell you that my target species were those elusive warblers; Kentucky, Worm-eating and Swainson's? They are early migrants and quite difficult to spot. K and S are ground dwellers.
So imagine my astonishment when other birders told me this Kentucky Warbler was foraging right at the ditch where we We were literally hovering OVER this one, and it was too busy foraging! I sympathize; I can't abide hunger, too! Must be famished crossing the Gulf(flew from South America. What courage)!
Gray Catbird! Another elusive one but quite common in the East. Saw it at San Diego and Los Angeles area though
Is this a Wood Thrush or Ovenbird. Saw both during the trip
High Island-Smith Oaks Sanctuary(the biggest one) bird walk led by Tropical Birding. Why are many experts here and there...British lol. Because they're so good?!  Participated twice, but not satisfactory. Due to my hearing defect, was clueless while they were talking and when I finally asked ''wh...what?" and obtained an answer, the birds were already gone -_-  Too many people, too.

This cat followed us; smart! Knew where we go, there would be Guides had to shoo it away!
Cat owners, cats are natural bird killers. Kill billions? of them each year. So do NOT let it wander outdoors. You owe it to the birds!
Swainson's Warbler!  AAAAAHHHHH. Not such a good pic, but whatever. This is SO elusive, and I saw it every day methinks, on my 3 days of birding High Island!  Pic taken at Hooks Woods. Other birders were mucho helpful.

Hooded Warbler! Heard at Los Angeles and Orange County, but never seen it methinks. And it was a default warbler there lol, along with Northern Parula! So cute! This is an adult male(as I said females are more drab).

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