Thursday, February 13, 2020

Chicago birding by public transit

Like last Spring, birded by foot, but this time used Ventra 3 day $20 ticket to good effect, using buses and trains. Took 1.5 hrs to reach Wolf Lake Recreational Area, but definitely worth it, to snag my lifer Trumpeter Swan. Mute Swan also there, Bald Eagle too, Cackling Goose as well. Not sure about American Black Duck.

The only place I couldn't reach via public transit was Calumet Marsh, too bad because Rough-legged Hawk is spotted there. But aside from there, could reach pretty much everywhere. Could bird north of Chicago for Northern Shrike, takes about an hour but didn't bother, hesitant of actual success spotting it.

Misses; Great Black-backed Gull(not too many gulls, too bad), Snow Bunting(Park 566 had ideal habitat), White-winged Scoter(too far probably, didn't see any Scoter via bino), Winter Wren(Washington Park), Sparrows like White-throated and Swamp(but those I've seen elsewhere), Common Redpoll..

So spotted about 30 species and of course the highlight was Snowy Owl at 31st st Burnham harbor. 2 of them and one provided an ideal view, perched at the dock. Was skeptical of finding it but they appeared just before my arrival, lucky me. A local birder said it hasn't been spotted in the vicinity recently; what luck!

Spotted American Tree Sparrow but didn't have good looks, they were quite shy, not responding to phishing. Later I flushed it from their perch at the fence along the road, too bad. That Northerly Island seemed quite promising; Northern Shrike, Snow Bunting and Common Redpoll were spotted there before.

While failing to spot Winter Wren at Washington Park, instead got Greater White-fronted Goose(not a lifer but pretty rare there methinks), Slate-colored Junko and Song Sparrow. No luck with woodpeckers, I'm afraid(I'm pretty terrible spotting those).

So added like 16 species for Cook County list, mostly ducks and some raptors. 4 lifers, Snowy Owl, American Tree Sparrow, American Black Duck and Trumpeter Swan.  All in all, not a bad haul, considering that I had limited time to bird, attending sports event(only could devote the whole morning on the last day, a bit less the day before)!

Will post pics later.

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