Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Rail walks


Come out for a unique experience each spring on Anahuac NWR.  This Refuge is one of the rare locations where you can see 6 kinds of rails, including: Yellow RailVirginia RailClapper RailKing RailBlack Rail, and Sora.  The guided walks will lead participants out into the coastal marshes in search of the birds. Please be aware, that these walks can be quite strenuous due to walking through mud and thick wet grass but are doable by most people. Participants can also stay along the road a short distance away to watch for rails in the prairie.
The walks occur each spring on the Refuge.  Check our Events page for dates and times.  Walks typically last an hour, but can vary depending on the group and weather.
Walks will take place on one of the Refuge's marshes selected by the leader.  Participants are asked to meet at the Visitor Information Station on the Refuge at the scheduled time for a brief introduction.  Carpools will be arranged to drive to walk location.
Walks are free and open to the public.  There is no sign-up required.  Groups have ranged in size from 10 people to over 50.
Recommended items to bring:
  • Rubber boots-walks go out into the marsh which is typically ankle to no more than knee deep of water.  A few pairs will be available, but participants may want to bring their own as sizes are limited.
  • Bug spray-mosquitoes are a way of life on the refuge
  • Sun screen-this is more important for afternoon walks.
  • Pants and long sleeves-These will help cover your skin from the sun and mosquitoes.
  • Camera-For taking some up-close shots of the birds or for photographing from the road if you do not want to walk into the marsh.
  • Binoculars-Needed more for those staying on the road, but will be useful when walking into the marsh. 
  • Water-There is no potable water on the Refuge.  Bottled water is available for purchase from the Friends of Anahuac Refuge in the Visitor Information Station.
  • Sense of adventure!- Be prepared to get a little wet, get a little muddy, and have a good time!

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