Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Bolivar Flat - Day 3, afternoon
From 5pm, birded about an hour and a half.
Mission accomplished; FINALLY spotted that Wilson's Plover! Right on cue, Tropical Birding leaders arrived(by themselves, not leading a group. Sam Woods, Phil Chaon) so showed Sam Woods the pic; he confirmed it!
That's a Peregrine Falcon right in the front! Hilarious. Other birds naturally gave this raptor wide berth!
Mission accomplished; FINALLY spotted that Wilson's Plover! Right on cue, Tropical Birding leaders arrived(by themselves, not leading a group. Sam Woods, Phil Chaon) so showed Sam Woods the pic; he confirmed it!
Ruddy Turnstone!
Western Sandpiper! Verra tricky, had to consult with Mike Austin for this; thought it might be shorter-billed Semipalmated Sandpiper, but the rusty color of wing feathers were the clincher, according to him
Semipalmated Plover!
Willet in breeding plumage. Resting or nesting? All those flotsams and jetsams..
That's a Peregrine Falcon right in the front! Hilarious. Other birds naturally gave this raptor wide berth!
Piping Plover!
Wilson's~ Plover! Tropical Birding guides congratulated me on the find lol, it was not easy to spot this one!
Reddish Egret! White form, Gulf specialty was there the day before at the opposite end(Sanctuary proper. This bird was at end of free beach. For $10 sticker on your windshield, you can park and bird the peninsular all year long)
Breeding plumage Black-bellied Plover!
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