Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Milestone] Passed 250 lifebirds count!!

After spotting Blue-winged Teals at Silver Lake Reservoir today(had to return my rental car today due to flat tire yesterday morning on the way to birding Upper Newport Bay, ugh. Tragedy continues. So couldn't even go there. After getting a much needed help to replace the tire, just birded Peck Pit, made the most of it; finally spotted that damn Pine Warlber!), it's safe to say I passed 250 bird count.

Started from Feb. 7th at Frank Bonelli Park with Pasadena Audubon members, so it's been about 9 months. Have come a long way!

According to ebird, 1131 birds have been spotted at U.S. 
Me, as 255 birds(it's actually lower than that, as I say, about 250 or 1), is 9916th in the U.S. lol. Still, saw about 22% of the total birds, that's not bad at all. Blessed to live in So. Cal!

Still my 'skill' is rudimentary at best. Could I've spotted those prized birds such as Canada, Palm and Pine Warblers recently, alone? Nope.  Canada one I was fortunate to encounter a local birder at West San Gabriel River Parkway; followed him and he pointed out the exact tree where the bird was lol.
Palm? Darren Dowell pointed the bird out right in front of me at Peck Pit lol.  Pine, the same, was lucky to hurry and see through Frank Gilliland's awesome Swarovski scope!

I'm not sure how many Fall warblers are left for me to discover; too bad I couldn't spot that Yellow-throated. Magnolia has disappeared at CSU Dominguez Hill(actually at Stubhub Center)as well(only went there once though, unlike Vance St., YTW stackeout).
Summer birds, missed that Yellow Breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, etc.
Really should take care of those glaring ommissions; Wrentit, California Gnatcatcher(that's why I visited Palo Verdes area not too long ago), Wandering Tattler, etc..

New birds are appearing every day thanks to that terrific ebird, such as Chestnut-collared Longspur at Santa Fe Dam, Pacific Golden Plover at Playa del Rey(gone now though?), Spotted Dove at Colonel Leo H Washington Park, Plumbeous and Cassin Vireos, etc..
Oh there's the whole repertoire of Sparrows too, for that matter, those Little Brown Jobs lol. Gulls too, should study more on those birds as well.

So fun! I'm really becoming more of a birder than a tennis watcher now lol.

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