Monday, January 15, 2018

Spotted 130 birds so far in LA county; Big Gull pics

Didn't really bird extensively, mostly local spots, except Dockweiler beach to spot Pacific Golden-Plover again(and briefly, for that mater).

Just SO many rarities now from LA county to SD county. And quite warm! As I told Mr. Wurster at Almansor Park(again spotted Rusty Blackbird, and also Mandarin Duck, thanks to him), So. Cal is just so good.

Some big gull pics at Malibu Lagoon, Feb. 15, 2016;

Herring? Glaucous-winged?

Will be birding Orange County area around Newport Beach from this weekend, such as Huntington Central Park and Mile Square Regional Park. So many rarities abound there; Yellow-crowned Night-heron, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Mute Swan, Brant, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Green-tailed Towhee, Orchard Oriole, Tropical Parula(LONG waiting list to view this private area, no hope really).. can't wait.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Interesting mammals at local areas this winter

Bobcat and Mule Deer at Cobbs Estate
California Vole at Eaton Canyon Nature Center
Opossum scurrying along and over the wall at parking lot of McDonald's(just south of ECNC) at 11pm