Only birded a bit of SJ Marsh, only the nearest pond. Lots of Dowitchers, and some Avocets and Stilts. Think I spotted a female Cinnamon Teal. 2 Canada Geese. And 4 Western Sandpipers.
First time birded Malibu Creek SP, and impressed. Rolling grassland. FOS Blue Grosbeak. Bullock's Oriole. Golden-crowned Sparrow.
Heard many but couldn't locate much and from Mulholland Dr. to the Center, was mostly facing the sun. At least 2 OCWAs spotted.
Malibu Lagoon, similar number to the Scheel's. Brant continuing, also 2 Bonaparte's Gulls(Scheels). And hundreds of Elegant Terns, copulating, etc(some Caspian's among them). Don't think I spotted a single Coot. Male Surf Scoter spotted on shore. About 50 Western Grebes as well. Gadwalls were everywhere, albeit in small numbers, not only here, also SJ Marsh and Peck Pit.
Arcadia Park/Peck Pit led by Luke Tiller.
Javier and Naresh had the same camera, Canon SX50 HS, looked better than mine.
Found a Plumbeous Vireo thanks to him. Also Swainson's Hawk, Cooper's Hawk(eating) and Peregrin Falcon(was this at Peck?). Nuttall and Downy Woodpecker.
Missed Merlin and Black-headed Grosbeak though(Luke saw it). Bullock's and Hooded Orioles, Western Tanager, good find.
Missed Yellow and Wilson's Warbler(others saw it), not a good sign to spot Eastern warblers lol, should study more.